woensdag 26 november 2008


It's about music, about one of our greatest artists we lost recently, about a documentary that I made with my friend Alex in 1977. As there are no English subtitles on the film, I'll continue my writing in Dutch, but you dont need Dutch for watching the Flamenco movie.

Rita Mosselmans was destijds de script-girl voor de Wannes docu, nu is ze regisseur bij Canvas en ze belde mij om te zeggen dat de docu zou vertoond worden tijdens de uitvaart plechtigheid in de Roma. Canvas had die - verstopt achter hun rode knop - in alle stilte uitgezonden. Velen die niet naar de Roma konden gaan en ook geen rode knop hebben zitten nu op hun honger. Zelf heb ik maar een vhs-copie van een slechte vhs maar eigenlijk stoort het mij niet. Technische beeldkwaliteit weegt niet zwaar op de narratieve balans. En Wannes kòn vertellen, met woorden, met schilderijen, met muziek ... en in stilte, met die intense blik van hem. Dank u voor alles, Wim.

Wannes, Flamenco

Wannes, George Orwell

Wannes, Zen in the art of Archery

zaterdag 8 november 2008

Spot On Denmark

Let's all meet next friday 11/14 @ AB-Club, Brussels

20 bands in a 40 minutes video





00:00 – ?
After party @ Cafe Central

woensdag 5 november 2008

Spotted on Spot

To be honest I don't live in Brazil and I also go to other festivals than Recbeat in Recife.
The Spot Festival in Aarhus, Denmark is a great festival with more than 100 bands from the cold part of our world performing in perfect conditions. I went there together with music-industry people from Belgium, Belgique, Holland and Luxemburg who had to select 4 Danish bands to perform later on in their country's. Later on is now 14 of november in the AB in Brussels. The selected bands are Tone, One-Eyed Mule, Said The Shark and Slaraffenland. The evening starts with my video 'SPOTTED ON SPOT'
I spotted a lot over there, so I finally edited 20 bands in a 40 minute video.

The promo film for Spot on Denmark at the AB 14 nov.

Nive Nielsen, from Greenland, just visiting the festival and playing for some friends in the Spot park.

Later on I'll post some more of Spotted on Spot in this blog.

Bands in the video:
1 Atoi
2 One-Eyed Mule
3 Our Broken Garden
4 The Late Parade
5 Jong Pang
6 Efterklang
7 Klezmofobia
8 Munich
9 Tone
10 No and the maybes
11 Figurines
12 Hjaltalin
13 Monkey Cup Dress
14 Marvel Hill
15 Nive Nilsen
16 Blue Foundation
17 Choir of Young Believers
18 Le Fiasco
19 Slaraffenland
20 Said the Shark